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Animal Reiki Stories

Deva the Irish Wolfhound Loves Animal Reiki


Recently I was asked to do an Animal Reiki Session for an ‘almost’ eight year old Irish wolfhound named Deva. Cindy wanted Deva to experience a Reiki session to help with her general well-being. As an Animal Reiki Practitioner for many years, it is always an honour to be invited to help animals find relief. 


Reiki, pronounced ‘ray-key’, is a holistic healing technique which channels universal ‘life force’ energy from the practitioner into the receiver (animal or human). Gentle and non-invasive, Reiki energy assists the body’s natural ability to heal itself by speeding the restorative process, which in turn can increase vitality and reduce and even eliminate pain. Reiki treats body, mind and spirit. It cannot do harm and always works for the highest and greatest good of all. 


Walking into the kitchen, I felt Deva’s amazing energy, even before I saw her.  This beautiful Irish wolfhound came over to meet me and we connected immediately. I always ask permission (whether it be out loud or spiritually) from the animal to begin the Reiki session.  When I sat down Deva positioned her hips underneath my hands indicating the area where she wanted Reiki energy. Animals are highly intuitive and very open to Reiki energy.  They can show us where they need healing as Deva did. 


Sensing that the Reiki energy was a bit strong for her at first, Deva moved a short distance away from me and laid down on her bed. My hands were still sending her Reiki, but only as much as she could accept. Reiki energy can be used hands on, hands off (hovering above the animal’s body) or from across the room, as Deva had chosen. She was still drawing Reiki energy from me from across the room. Reiki can also be sent from distance (remotely) to anyone, anywhere in the world.


In a short time Deva decided it was time for more ‘hands on’ Reiki. She came close again and became very relaxed, sighing when my hands were on her back, showing great acceptance of the Reiki energy. Because animals, and people, draw Reiki energy from and through the practitioner, the animal is always in control of how long the Reiki session lasts and how much energy they accept. Reiki cannot be forced onto an animal, and when Deva knew she’d received enough Reiki and wanted the session to end, I felt the flow of energy through my hands slow down, and then stop. 


Some signs that animals are accepting Reiki may be sighing, relaxing, falling asleep, licking their lips, licking you, pushing their body into your hands and yawning.   Animals often just get up and walk away, another way of telling you that the session is finished. Reiki also opens us intuitively, which is such a true blessing in helping and connecting with animals. 


Deva’s companion Cindy was interested to learn that Reiki compliments and supports conventional veterinary medicine and other holistic therapies such as homeopathy, acupuncture and Bach flower remedies. My own pets’ veterinarian - and many other vets- approve of Reiki as an alternative, supportive and complimentary practice and was very happy to learn that I practice and teach Reiki.


For healthy animals, Reiki helps support and sustain their physical, emotional and behavioural conditioning.  It can accelerate the healing of surgeries, bruising, breaks, sprains, wounds, hotspots and insect bites. For animals coping with stress and other issues of everyday life, and for ‘rescue’ animals that are starting new lives and adjusting to changes, Reiki can be extremely beneficial. It can also be a blessing for animals that are older or ill by relieving pain from arthritis and other debilitating illnesses and diseases. Reiki is known to provide comforting energy to animals in transition by relieving pain, fear and anxiety, allowing the animal to pass away in peace. 


As our session came to an end Deva smiled at me with her gorgeous eyes. I smiled back, thanking her for allowing me to offer her Reiki. Because it’s such a gift to offer animals Reiki, they should always be acknowledged, thanked and appreciated. Reiki’s beneficial energy can also be infused (energized) into natural items like cotton towels or blankets, food and drink. I energized a towel for Deva and she loved it.

Virgil the Miniature Mule


Virgil the miniature mule is such a cute boy, he was rescued from an auction where he was being mistreated. I have known and been offering Virgil, Animal Reiki since I started volunteering at PrimRose Donkey Sanctuary in 2009. He is very smart and knows how to get what he wants, how to make the other animals move out of his way and also how to be compassionate. Virgil has also received the Reiki attunement for animals. I have seen Virgil using calming signals to help another animal, Stuart the hinny calm down and feel better.


Virgil stood close by when I was offering Stuart, Animal Reiki (or equine Reiki since Stuart is a member of the Equine family) helping him to feel better. Virgil was standing very close to myself and Stuart, yawning and looking very relaxed himself, to help Stuart feel better.



It is truly amazing the caring interactions that go on between animals at PrimRose Donkey Sanctuary. You can see that Virgil has an orb over his heart chakra area, this tells you how extra special this boy is.

Holly the Reiki Dog

Holly had kidney problems since she was one and a half years old. I know that using Reiki with her had helped her kidneys to continue to work and for her to feel well. Even when she was thirteen years old she still had the energy of a much younger dog. People that saw her were amazed of her age.

I had energized her blankets, food and water with Reiki energy to give her an extra boost of healing. Holly was attuned to Third Degree Reiki and I am positive this helped her health and well being. She even started 'helping' with Reiki attunements. Holly would come and stand beside me or one of the students while I passed the Reiki attunements.


Holly passed away close to her 14th birthday. Holly was such a gift, she will forever be in my heart and with me in spirit.

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Cedar Cove Wellness Cobourg, Ontario

Copyright ©2009-2025

Email: Phone: 905-376-2266

Reiki Master Teacher Susan Rouse offers sessions and teaches Reiki to clients and students from Baltimore, Cobourg, Bowmanville, Belleville, Newcastle, Port Hope, Peterborough, Trenton, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering, Kingston, Toronto, Whitby, Ontario and surrounding areas.


DISCLAIMER: The content on this website is for informational and educational purposes. The healing modalities offered are not intended to provide a medical diagnoses or prescribe therapy/medications to treat, mitigate or prevent illness. The healing modalities described and offered are not meant to be a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment, advice and care from a registered health care practitioner.

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