Celtic Reiki Training

Celtic Reiki was first developed by Reiki Master Martyn Pentecost. It combines the energy of traditional Usui Reiki along with the earth energies of various Celtic trees, the Ogham alphabet and the ancient wisdom of the Celts.
During these classes, you will learn the various Celtic Tree Ogham and how to use them to deepen your practice and how to connect on a deeper level with the energies of the earth and trees all around us.
A manual, attunements and certificate of completion will be provided in each level. Maximum of 6 people
Tea and water included.
Celtic Reiki Level 1
Celtic Reiki Level 1
Prerequisite is Second Degree Reiki level 2
Cost is $145.00
Learn how to use Celtic Reiki and deepen your Reiki with the energies of the earth and trees.
Receive Celtic Reiki Level 1 attunements.
Learn 6 Celtic Reiki Symbols and how to use them.
Learn to use Celtic Reiki on yourself, other people and pets.
Learn how to use Celtic Reiki on intentions and items.
Practice time
We will spend some time sitting quietly to increase our connection to Celtic Reiki energies, depending on weather. We have a lovely area on our property by the creek.
Celtic Reiki manual and pendulum included.
Certificate upon completion.
Maximum of 6 participants.
I ask for a $50 deposit to hold your spot. Please email Susan cedarcovewellness@gmail.com or call/text 905-376-2266
Next Celtic Reiki level 1 Saturday May 3rd 9:30am to 3:30pm.

Celtic Reiki Level 2
Celtic Reiki Level 2
Prerequisite is Celtic Reiki Level 1 taught by Susan Rouse
Cost is $160
Receive Celtic Reiki Level 2 attunements
Learn 6 Celtic Reiki Level 2 symbols and how to use them.
Celtic Reiki and Manifestation
Celtic Reiki and Crystals
Creating and using a Celtic Reiki crystal grid
Celtic Reiki practice time
We'll spend some time outdoors sitting quietly to increase our connection to Celtic Reiki energies, depending on weather.
Celtic Reiki Level 2 information and crystals included
Certificate upon completion
Maximum 6 participants.
Please email Susan at cedarcovewellness@gmail.com to sign up or call/text 905-376-2266 for more information.
Next Celtic Reiki Level 2 is Saturday June 7th. 9:30am to 3:30pm.
Celtic Reiki Master
Celtic Reiki Master
Prerequisite is Celtic Reiki level 2 taught by Susan Rouse and Usui Reiki Master Teacher.
Learn 5 Celtic Reiki Master symbols plus 8 additional symbols.
Learn how to pass all levels of Celtic Reiki attunements and how to teach the class.
Receive information to teach all levels of Celtic Reiki class, extra handouts and lineage.
Celtic Reiki Master information and certificate upon completion.
Cost is $200.